Lawn Diseases: Prevention and Management

Dec 7, 2011

UC’s recently updated Lawn Diseases: Prevention and Management publication packs a lot of knowledge in an easy to digest compact format.

From the publication:

“Maintaining a healthy, vigorously growing lawn is the best way to prevent a severe disease outbreak in turfgrass. Each square foot of turf contains about 500 to 1,000 individual plants, each requiring optimum amounts of water and fertilizer, the right mowing regime, and an aerated, well-drained soil. If any of these factors are missing or in excess, the grass may become stressed and more susceptible to disease.”

The authors provide tables to help detect disease and irrigation requirements. Tips to avoid lawn disease from happening can be found throughout this free resource.


A patch of tall fescue turfgrass infected with Rhizoctonia blight. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.
A patch of tall fescue turfgrass infected with Rhizoctonia blight. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.