![Cooperative Extension Ventura County](http://ucanr.edu/sb3/display/photos/19.jpg)
Posts Tagged: herbicide application
Weed control under a changing climate
Maor Matzrafi is a post-doctoral researcher with Marie Jasieniuk's lab at UC Davis. It is well...
2017 Automated Thinner/Weeder Spray Materials Evaluation
Lettuce in the Salinas Valley is direct seeded by planting 3–4 times the amount of seed need...
Table 1. Weed counts (no/2 ft2) on Sept. 26 (4 days after application)
Table 2. Weed counts (no/2 ft2) on Sept. 29 (7 days after application)
Figure 2. Sharpen at 1.0 oz/A
Figure 3. Shark at 9.7 mls/A
Figure 4. Suppress (+Oroboost & oil)
Figure 5. Raptor at 4.0 oz/A
Figure 6. Rely 29 oz/A (Sept 26)
An Alternative Preemergence Herbicide Strategy for Summer Grasses in Orchards
As most orchardists and pest control advisors are well aware, glyphosate-resistant weeds have been...
Home made herbicides? Some thoughts about 'Do It Yourself' weed control.
I was browsing the internet the other day and came across a web-site that told me I could kill...
Definition of codistillation or lift-off of herbicides. Repost from Arizona Vegetable IPM Updates
I was forwarded this great article written by Barry Tickes, an Area Agricultural Agent with the...