Bees, Bats, Birds and Blooms - PUBS
UC-ANR PUBLICATIONS has some helpful guides for protecting, identifying and helping pollinators thrive. Check'em out
Nearly 1600 species of native bees can be found in California's rich ecosystems; this colorful pocket-sized card set will help you identify 24 of the most common bees found in urban gardens and landscapes. Included for each featured bee are color photographs, a general description of appearance, the distribution and richness, flight season, nesting habits, floral hosts, and how each transports pollen. 3552 $15.00 $11.25- Through June 30 |
California is home to over 1600 species of undomesticated bees—most of them native—that populate and pollinate our gardens, fields, and urban green spaces. In this absorbing guidebook, bee and botany experts from UC Berkeley's Urban Bee Lab introduce us to this diverse population, holding a magnifying glass up to the twenty-two most common genera. 3546 $28.00 $18.00--Through June 30 |
Bats are important pollinators and you can turn your vineyard, farm, or garden into a wildlife refuge and control pest activity naturally with this handy guide. Although written with vineyard managers in mind, anyone interested in learning about nest boxes will find this guide useful. Includes patterns for building your own boxes and advice on where to place your boxes for best results. 21636 $15.00 $11.25- Through June 30 |
This handbook from Cornell University Press provides step-by-step directions accompanied by more than 100 illustrations for setting up an apiary, handling bees, and working throughout the season to maintain a healthy colony of bees and a generous supply of honey. This book explains the various colony care options and techniques, noting advantages and disadvantages, so that beekeepers can make the best choices for their own hives. Reviewed and approved by UC experts for inclusion in our catalog, we're pleased to make this resource available. 3543 $30.00 |
There's more about how to create a haven for bees and other pollinators in these
free downloads:
How to Attract and Maintain Pollinators in Your Garden
About three-quarters of all flowering plants rely on insects or birds for pollination, and that includes one-third of all crop plants. Learn how to create a landscape that is welcoming for bees and many other pollinators.
California Bee-Friendly Garden Recipes
Tips on how to make your garden more bee-friendly, whether you have a cottage garden or vegetable garden, or even a drought-tolerant native plant garden.
Bees in the Neighborhood: Best Practices for Urban Beekeepers
Learn beekeeping basics as they apply to urban environments as well as how to keep your bees good neighbors. Good for bees, good for beekeepers, and good for neighbors.
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