Anthophila: antho- (“flower”) + -phila (“lover, liker”)
Put a bunch of natural historians together with their collections and images and what do you end up with - a collection of all the bee species held by some of the biggest entomology institutions around the United States:
The Bee Library is an online repository of bee image, trait, and specimen data. The portal has a worldwide scope and may include other taxa that are not bees but interact with bees (i.e., bee parasites). The contributors to this resource are varied and include the many taxonomists, data managers, and bee ecologists whose work it is to determine bee specimens and help us understand bee evolution and ecology. The Bee Library recommends citing the repository for a bee specimen, the specimen catalog number, and who determined the specimen in any publication that references data from this portal. Images are free for reuse, but please cite the institution that provided the image.
These data are currently growing due to the work of the Extending Anthophila Research Through Image and Trait Digitization National Science Foundation Project (Big-Bee). Big-Bee is a collaboration of 13 universities, research stations, natural history collections, and agencies who aim to share images, label, and functional trait (i.e., flight timing, host plant, body size) data for over 5000 bee species
bee swarm