Posts Tagged: cultural
Houseplant Pests
Like outdoor plants, houseplants can also experience pest problems. Did you know that too much or...
Nonchemical Alternatives for Weed Management
Weeds in the landscape can be tough to manage. But there are many options for weed management using...
Rose Care and Weed Control
Many gardeners and landscapers enjoy growing and caring for roses. Through careful selection of...
Revised UC IPM Guidelines for Strawberry Now Available
It's been a long wait for many I know, but the revised UC IPM Guidelines for strawberry are now available. This is a massive job involving a lot of work from many people, but these are the peer reviewed gold standard for pest management and cultural practices in strawberry:
Want to know how to manage this larvae and much, much more? New UC IPM guidelines for strawberry are now available!
Why I Left my Boots in Mozambique
In March of this year I traveled to Chimoio, Mozambique to provide an Integrated Pest Management...