Water Conservation in Your Own Backyard

Aug 19, 2009

Monique Myers, Ventura County UCCE’s Costal Community Development Advisor has some great information to help us conserve water and reduce the flow of pollutants all at the same time!

Myers writes this on our website, “Water is a valuable resource in Southern California.  It is important that we capture rainwater and allow it to soak into the ground where it can water plants and replenish groundwater supplies.  Rain that falls on hard surfaces, such as buildings and asphalt, picks up pollutants as it flows.  This 'stormwater' is then directed to storm drains and ultimately ends up polluting our streams and oceans."

Individuals can help conserve water and prevent polluted stormwater runoff through wise gardening and land-use practices.  Our website provides some useful tips for Southern California residents.

Some of the suggestions are for large projects, and while you might not be in a position to tackle those changes now, the information may be useful to you in the future or may be of benefit for a friend or neighbor. Many of the other ideas, such as composting and natural planting, can be incorporated easily as time and resources allow.

Please follow this link http://www-csgc.ucsd.edu/BOOKSTORE/greensheets.html to see them.