Strawberry and caneberry blog

Dec 7, 2009

Mark Bolda is the Strawberry and Caneberry Farm Advisor in Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito Counties.  Our own Oleg Daugovish collaborates regularly with him on many projects.

I would like to share with you Mark Bolda’s blog. He has several posts related to the spotted wing drosophila (SWD) previously known as the cherry vinegar fly. These posts include:

  • the importance of monitoring for this pest allows growers to manage the insect before the infestation is heavy
  • what to look for and steps to take if found

In addition to being informative, the posts on SWD that span about one year are additionally interesting as they are written as the problem unfolds.  It is a glimpse into the on-going work and the on-the-ground problem solving that comes with being a UCCE Farm Advisor.