Agave Mite

Jul 10, 2023

Implications for tequila growers

Agave are a common sight in Southern California and are frequently used in landscaping for homes, businesses, and in public spaces. You've almost certainly seen agave growing in your neighborhood and may even have some growing yourself. Many varieties of agave are grown in San Diego nurseries to keep pace with the demand for these plants across the state and country. As the climate continues to warm and California becomes increasingly dry, hardy and water-conscious plants like agave will more frequently be used in xeriscaping and as ornamentals. However, there is an almost invisible enemy that threatens many of these agave plants. Greasy streaks and smudges appear on leaves, followed by lesions and plant decline. Sometimes, the entire core of the agave collapses. The plants look sickly and unattractive, dismaying homeowners and nursery growers alike. What is causing this damage?  Mites.

agave mites

Agave mites are a difficult pest to manage and can be a serious problem on multiple types of agave. Being proactive and removing infected plants is currently the best way to protect your agave from mite infestations. Recognizing agave mite symptoms and being ruthless with eliminating plants is key to preventing damage. Research on management options is just beginning and there are still many unknowns, so please contact us if you are having issues with agave mites at your nursery, if you have questions, or if you think there is something we should know about. Stayed tuned for future results and hopefully some better news on how to manage this tiny menace!

Read more about this pest

By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

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