IPM Webinars for Summer & Fall

The Urban & Community IPM Webinar Series has several exciting webinars coming up this summer and fall. These webinars occur on the third Thursday of every month from 12:00 to 1:00pm PDT. Read more about them and register below:

July 20, 2023: Natural Enemies & Beneficial Bugs: What are they?

While some insects can be damaging pests, many others are actually useful and keep pest species in check by parasitizing them or preying on them. These beneficial bugs are known as natural enemies and are vital to help keep pests from getting out of control. In this webinar, learn about natural enemies, how to identify them, and how they can help you out in your home and garden. This presentation will be given by Eric Middleton, Area IPM Advisor for San Diego County.

Register for this webinar

August 17, 2023: Invasive Species Success Stories

Invasive pests are arriving in California with increasing frequency, and many of them pose risks to the state's agriculture, natural resources, or public health. California agencies and organizations are partnering to eliminate or minimize the damage from invasive species. Efforts include stopping invasions before they start and managing established populations with IPM. This webinar will share successes from these programs and discuss how the public can assist in early detection and rapid response to these invading pests. Presented by Randall Oliver, Invasive Shothole Borers (ISHB) Communications Coordinator.

Register for this webinar

 September 2023—No Webinar this month

October 19, 2023: Backyard Citrus Pests           

There are many pests that may cause problems for backyard citrus growers. This webinar will focus on insect pests of citrus and cover pest identification, monitoring, and available tools to manage these pests in a backyard setting. Presented by Sandipa Gautam, Area Citrus IPM Advisor.

Register for this webinar

November 16, 2023: What's Biting Me?

Do you feel like something is biting you? Ever had red swollen spots on your skin? This webinar will discuss the most common biting and stinging pests, while shedding light on allergic skin reactions caused when no bugs are even around! Presented by Siavash Taravati, Area IPM Advisor based in the Los Angeles Basin area.

Register for this webinar 

 December 2023—No Webinar this month 

 To view the recordings from our previous webinars this year, visit https://ucanr.edu/sites/ucipm-community-webinars/Past_webinars/ or visit our YouTube playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo3rG4iqv4gGC9sa9Tdl_WfCV4BNMHraI.



By Lauren Fordyce
Author - Urban and Community IPM Educator