Agritourism interest increases

Feb 15, 2012

Our office has received an increase in calls from people wishing to visit farms and ranches. As public interest into local food systems and production continues to grow, agritourism is a way for food producers to increase revenue.

Tourism offerings are varied throughout the state.  Local, Ventura County agritourism ventures include: farm and nursery tours; overnight stays; farm stands; petting zoos; picnic and play areas; u-pick produce; lectures and presentations; agriculture-related gifts and crafts; value-added food products; horseback riding and trail rides; camping; nature walks; special events; plants; and cut flowers.

UC’s California Agricultural Tourism Directory allows consumers to search for farms and ranches throughout the state. There is no cost to add a farm or ranch to this statewide directory. Easy to follow instructions for consumers and producers are included on the directory’s home page.

For more information about agritourism, please contact our office.

Consumers are increasingly interested in learning how the food they consume is grown. Agritourism connects producers and consumers, allowing each to learn about the other.
Consumers are increasingly interested in learning how the food they consume is grown. Agritourism connects producers and consumers, allowing each to learn about the other.