Presidential Catch Phrases

Jan 7, 2014

So, we've reached the half-way point for the 4-H program year.  How is it going?

If you are president, you might still be tripping up on a couple of those presidential catch phrases.  If so, I have the perfect agenda template for you, compliments of Ohio State 4-H.

Another way the president can get a message across without saying a word is with a gavel.  In gavel-talk, the number of taps and quickness with which it is tapped can convey different meanings...

One tap follows the announcement of adjournment, the completion of a business item, or is a message to the members to be seated following the opening ceremony.

Two taps of the gavel calls the meeting to order.

Three taps of the gavel is the signal for all members to stand in unison on the third tap.

A series of short taps is used to restore order at a meeting. For instance, if discussion ventures away from the main motion and attention needs to be brought back to the matter at hand, the chairman should rap a gavel a number of times to get the group’s attention.

Keep up the great work!  There are more tips and articles to come.

By Gwyn W Vanoni
Author - Community Education Specialist II