Accuracy Varies for Commercially Available Soil Test Kits

Apr 28, 2011

Soil testing is an important component of a plant nutrient management program for farmers, home gardeners, and agricultural service personnel. Results from these tests can be used to improve nutrient management for crop production and environmental protection.

With assistance from UC Davis’ Dirk Holstege, Ventura County Cooperative Extension Advisors Jim Downer and Ben Faber along with Staff Research Assistant Maren Mochizuki conducted research to asses the accuracy of commercially available soil tests kits.

Soil analysis from five commercially available soil test kits were compared for accuracy against soil analysis completed at the UC Davis Analytical Laboratory. Much thought and care went into writing the findings of this study. In addition to analyzing the results of the kits, suggestions for improving accuracy and the role the kits can play in nutrient management programs are discussed.

Results and discussion from this study can be viewed on this page of our website.


A soil tube can be used to collect soil for sampling. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.
A soil tube can be used to collect soil for sampling. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.