
Jul 15, 2011

There are more than 50 species of mosquitoes in California. Several of them are able to transmit microbial organisms capable of causing human diseases such as encephalitis and malaria. They may also cause disease in livestock and pets. Mosquitoes can travel for miles and can be challenging to control.

In many places around the state local agencies have programs designed to keep populations in check. There are several ways we can help minimize the number of mosquitoes in our communities.

UC’s Mosquitoes: Intergrated Pest Management Around the Home publication provides much information about mosquitoes and how to best manage them.

Topics include:

  • Identification
  • Life cycle
  • Public healthy and veterinary importance
  • West Nile virus
  • Management

Additional information and local resources can be found in these previous posts.

I will be out of the office next week, but will post a new article for you when I return on Monday, July 25!


Western Encephalitis Mosquito. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.
Western Encephalitis Mosquito. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.