Channel Island National Park Native Plant Garden

Sep 9, 2011

Channel Island National Park Visitor Center is located in the Ventura Harbor. The center allows visitors to view displays, exhibits, and watch a movie that capture the life and character of each island.

On weekends and holidays National Park Rangers offer a variety of free programs to share additional information about the islands with the public.

UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners are part of this fun and educational center. They are busy in the Native Plant Garden, which is located at the front of the visitor center. Pulling weeds and pruning are weekly tasks. Design, site preparation, planting, and irrigation installation and repairs are some other regular activities in the garden.

Master Gardener volunteers also identify and research various native plants. The garden is extra special as it showcases plants endemic to the Channel Islands in addition to plants native to mainland Southern California. The endemic island plants are propagated from seeds collected on the islands and grown in the garden greenhouse.

Next time you are at the Ventura Harbor, be sure to stop by the Visitor Center and see this beautiful and unique garden!

Plants found nowhere else on Earth grow on the Channel Islands. Photo from National Park Service.
Plants found nowhere else on Earth grow on the Channel Islands. Photo from National Park Service.