A look inside Piru 4-H

Jul 31, 2009

The following Featured Club Happenings was submitted by Piru 4-H Club President, Kris Dewey.

It has been a busy year for Piru 4H! Our members have been provided many educational opportunities because we have a fabulous group of project leaders.

  • Our geology project has visited the Santa Paula Oil Museum.
  • The Cultural Appreciation project attended a Renaissance Fair.
  • Our swine group is as big as ever and toured a local butcher shop.
  • We have two members in the beef group taking animals to the fair in August.
  • The teatime participants have been learning proper etiquette and took turns hosting tea parties.
  • Several scrapbooking members took field trips to scrapbooking shops and had a great time learning how to showcase their favorite photos.
  • We had a cake decorating group that made wonderful snacks for our general meetings.
  • Our fishing group went on camping field trips and had a great time learning how to bait and cast hooks.
  • The community service project members participated in TOTSOCE (Trick or Treat So Others Can Eat), made Christmas Baskets and Valentines for U.S. military veterans, and most recently helped sort clothes and other donations and serve lunch at a homeless shelter in Ventura.
  • We offered the members and their parents the opportunity to attend a CPR class.

We are planning a year-in-review to celebrate the successes of this year after the Ventura County Fair and wish all of you a great 2010 season!

Featured Club Happenings are a regular feature in Clover Lines, our 4-H newsletter. Back issues of Clover Lines can be found on our website.