Science, Engineering and Technology Program

Aug 28, 2009

The national 4-H program has implemented a Science, Engineering and Technology Program (SET) to encourage youth to excel in science, engineering and technology.  We hope this program can help reverse the trend of children left behind in these areas, a problem that may lead to a shortage of scientists and engineers in the future if left unaddressed. The national message can be found here. Information on how California is working on the program can be found here.

Locally, our office is working with area youth to teach these vital skills and generate interest. This effort is lead by Susan Gloeckler, our 4-H program representative. She and local 4-H clubs are working to help meet the national goal, which is to provide hands-on SET experience by 2013 to 1 million children. In addition to the approximate 2,000 Ventura County youth that participate in county 4-H clubs, Susan reaches thousands more by providing workshops at local schools and organizations. Additional information about our local program can be found in this recent Ventura County Star article.

If you or someone you know would like to find out about becoming involved in this important effort, please contact our office.



Susan Gloeckler teaching our youth