Avocados and Peru

Apr 27, 2015

From Peru This Week, Hillary Ojeda:

Unfavorable climate conditions around the world have increased demand from Peru

In February, the Ministry of Irrigation and Agriculture confirmed that Peru is the second largest exporter of avocados. This will prove crucial in the coming months, as production around the world is at a shortage.

“Prior to the season a higher production was expected in Peru for 2015 compared to 2014, but now it turns out that the total Peruvian harvest is a bit lower,” Ine Potting (Mission Produce) told Fresh Plaza.

The produce news portal reports that the avocado market is currently experiencing a shortage due to primary exporters struggling to produce up to expectations.

“Due to hail in Mexico, which affected a lot of the Flor Loca harvest blossom, and the drought in California, the harvests there will also be less than satisfactory. This means that there will be more demand from the United States for avocados from Peru,” says Ine.

Considering these circumstances, the price is increasing (of green varieties as well in addition to Hass avocados) and less shipments will make it Europe this season.

Peru's avocado industry made US$ 308 million in 2014 and exported a record amount of 177,800 tons of the and creamy Hass avocado variety. These results secured its place as second largest exporter of the large berry, after Mexico.


By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

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