Rowcrop Outreach and Education

Sep 15, 2009

On Tuesday, September 1st Ventura County UCCE’s Dr. Oleg Daugovish held the 8th Annual Strawberry Production Meeting. This meeting and ones like it are to provide information on current research relevant to Ventura County strawberry production happening both in the county and through other UC campuses. What happens if you missed the meeting, or attended but need to refresh your memory?

As luck would have it, Oleg posts all of the presentation materials on our Ventura County UCCE website. Besides the presentations themselves, you will find other formats of knowledge waiting to be shared.  You can find them by clicking on this link.

Once there, you will see that in addition to strawberries, Oleg has much information on caneberries, vegetables, organic production, cost and return studies, weed susceptibility to herbicides chart, weeds and invasive plants in Ventura County, and Master Gardener presentation trainings, which cover backyard vegetables and weeds.


A grower checks strawberry leaves for the presence of spider mites


A tube is used to collect soil and root samples from a test plot looking for methyl bromide alternatives


Recording counts of spider mites and predator mites in Ventura County field


A roller is used to properly slope the tops of strawberry beds for good water drainage