Nematode management

Dec 2, 2009

Today I will share with you a database developed by the UC Davis Department of Nematology, but first a quick definition is probably in order for some readers: a nematode is a worm with a cylindrical, unsegmented body, often microscopic worm. However, not all are so small. Some can reach up to 20 feet long.  Certain species feed on plants, causing much destruction, but many feed on other nematodes and insects.

The NEMABASE designed by the UC Davis Department of Nematology compiles information from thousands of articles written over many decades. The objective of the database was to collate, interpret and evaluate available information on the host status of plants to the plant-parasitic nematodes, and to make it available as a basis for management decisions.  It gives fast, easy access to the host status of plants to plant-parasitic nematodes throughout the world, and helps with crop rotation and cover cropping decisions for nematode management. The entire database can be downloaded or you can do simple online searches. Instructions for use are provided.

You will find much at the site, including:

  • 6,100 plant taxa, including higher taxonomic information, geographic origin, growth habit, and use of each plant species.
  • 3,900 nematodes, including details of the higher taxonomic information for 3,900 of the major plant-parasitic nematodes (to the race level).
  • 38,000 interactions, detailing the nature of each plant and nematode interaction, the constraints of the experiment or observation, and the source and quality of the data.
  • Relation tables with 47 variables
  • A dictionary that lists each field name abbreviation and provides a description
  • And much more