Continuing education opportunity

Dec 17, 2009

The Ventura County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office will be hosting a series of continuing education opportunities in Laws & Regulations.

These sessions are open to anyone interested in renewing their PAC, QAL, QAC or PCA.

The first in these series will be held January 13, 2010 8am to 12pm at the PWA Conference Room located at 11251-A Riverbank Drive in Saticoy.

Topics covered:

  • 2010 Permit Conditions
  • Hazard Communication Regulation Changes
  • Online Pesticide Use Reporting
  • Pesticide Application Inspections

These sessions are free of charge and will provide up to 3 hours of DPR (Department of Pesticide Regulation) approved continuing education credits. If you are interested in attending this session, please contact Korinne Bell at 805.933.2926 ext 235. Space is limited so please call to reserve your spot!