Responsible aquatic gardening

Jul 30, 2010

Aquatic gardening can provide additional beauty and tranquility to outdoor space. Many beautiful plants are readily available to add to backyard ponds. It is important, however, to avoid planting invasive species.

If invasive aquatic plants escape or are dumped into local waterways, including storm drains, serious ecological and economic harm may be caused.  Without containment, they may travel for many miles and have a significant impact on waterways by:

  • Growing in dense stands along the shore or thick mats in open water
  • Crowding out native plants
  • Reducing light and oxygen levels underwater, killing fish and other aquatic life
  • Clogging intake valves of irrigation systems and power plants
  • Reducing access to waterways for recreational and commercial boats
  • Using more water than native plants, reducing water available for other uses.

To find out which plants to avoid and other important information, please see UC’s Aquatic Gardens, Not Aquatic Pests: How to Practice Responsible Water Gardening. This information is available in Spanish and Chinese.