UC Hansen Agricultural Center announces call for proposals

Feb 2, 2011

The UC Thelma Hansen Fund provides funding for projects addressing agriculture and natural resource issues in Ventura County that focus on:

  • economic viability of agriculture in our county
  • increasing public understanding and support of agriculture, including the relationship of agriculture to the economy and the natural resource base
  • agriculture and urban issues for better policy decisions to achieve balance among competing interests

The 2010-2011 call for proposals is now open. Two opportunities for project proposals are available: direct funding for projects; and land, labor and facilities at the Hansen Agricultural Center.

While it is not necessary for project to be conducted in the county, it should be evident that the project addresses relevant needs of Ventura County.

Proposals are due April 1, 2011. Information and required forms can be found here.

For information on research support or facilities, contact Director Jose De Soto at 805-525-9293 ext. 208. For information on electronic submission or forms, contact Patricia Verdugo Johnson at 805-5259293  ext. 202