DIS ease on Avocado

Feb 4, 2022

DIS ease on Avocado

Feb 4, 2022

Upcoming California Avocado Disease Management Webinar

The California Avocado Society, California Avocado Commission and UC Cooperative Extension are hosting a free online Grower Webinar: Avocado Disease Management session on Wednesday, February 16 from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

The webinar is designed to provide growers and grove managers with information concerning management strategies for diseases that California avocado trees are prone to. The online seminar will cover:

  • Approaches to combating avocado root rot, including pesticide management
  • The availability of a new chemical to manage Phytophthora
  • Other chemical and horticultural practices related to disease management in California avocado groves

The presenters include Dr. Ben Faber, Crops Advisor for the UC Cooperative Extension, and Dakota Camino, PCA with Syngenta.

avo webinar feb 16




By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

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