Irrigation Efficiency Evaluations

Sep 12, 2011

The Ventura County Resource Conservation District (RCD) is offering free irrigation evaluations, nutrient, and Best Management Practice (BMP) recommendations for producers in Ventura County.

The program is part of the RCD’s efforts to assist landowners and producers with water efficiency, water quality, and BMP issues.

Contact RCD Irrigation Specialist, Vic Akundzadeh today to schedule an appointment for your free evaluation. He can be reached at, 805-386-4489 (office) or 805-216-3641 (mobile).

There are many ways to improve irrigation. The grower of these roses uses a drip system that produces a more uniform distribution of water and less runoff. Photo by D. Zurawski.
There are many ways to improve irrigation. The grower of these roses uses a drip system that produces a more uniform distribution of water and less runoff. Photo by D. Zurawski.