Asian citrus psyllid - new links to info

Jun 7, 2013

Asian citrus psyllid - new links to info

Jun 7, 2013

For citrus growers: The Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program (CPDPP) has created a very helpful web site called the "CPDPP Citrus Insider" to update growers on Asian citrus psyllid issues.  It has news information, maps, quarantines and updates by region.  Check it out and sign up for automatic updates.

citrus insider

For homeowners: UC IPM updated their Asian citrus psyllid quick tip.  It provides information for homeowners about the symptoms of the psyllid and disease, what to do if they think thay have the psyllid, and how to manage it in their yards.  Great information to pass on to friends and relatives.  The quick tip cards can be obtained from your local cooperative extension office or printed off of the web.

By Elizabeth E Grafton-Cardwell
Author - Emeritus Entomology Cooperative Extension Specialist