Food Corps Recruits Locally

Feb 9, 2015

In the spirit of eating and sourcing local—Food Corps seeks to recruit a homegrown service member to work with Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) for the 2015-2016 school year.

Food Corps is a nationwide team of AmeriCorps leaders who connect kids to real food and help them grow up healthy.

Food Corps recruits, train and are placed into limited-resource schools for a year of service implementing a three-ingredient recipe for healthy kids.

Food Corps Service members provide:

  • Knowledge: food and nutrition education that gives kids the information they need to make smart choices
  • Engagement: hands-on activities like gardening and cooking that foster skills and pride around healthy food
  • Access: connecting nutritious meals from local farms

Currently, VUSD and Food Corps collaborate in the HAREC 4-H Student Farm, an afterschool program that teaches middle school youth to grow food that is then used in the cafeteria. To learn more about the opportunities with Food Corps at VUSD contact Alise Echele, Healthy Schools Project Coordinator at or apply for a Food Corps position at