Avocado Body Rots Are Showing Up Now

Jun 24, 2016

Get ready for more rotting avocado fruit if you have leaf blight showing up in your tree canopy. The fungal spores (one of the Botryosphaerias we once lumped as Dothiorella) that create the infection spread in an irregular pattern over the leaf and down the stem (then called “stem blight”).  This is often confused with salt or tip burn. The two conditions are caused by the same problem, water and or salt stress. However, in the case of leaf blight, this is a pathogen that can pass to neighboring fruit and begin the process of rot. This starts happening when the fruit starts ripening and softening, so it's often not seen in the orchard, but the packhouse or in the market.

Control is basically gaining control over the soil moisture and salinity in the root zone and when the leaf blight starts showing up in the canopy, cutting as much out back to green tissue as is economically possible.

Leaf blights from this group of fungi have also been reported as infecting other fruits, such as citrus, apple, peach and grape among others.  The solution is the same - water right and cut the stuff out when and if it shows up.



Body rots

Rot spreading to flesh

Leaf Blight