A recent Florida TaxWatch report detailed the reasons for the decline of the Florida citrus industry. The report also described frustrations with efforts to combat citrus greening and suggested solutions for the industry's decline. Edited excerpts from that portion of the report follow:
Prominent citrus growers stated they are still optimistic about the future as many citrus entities are investing in the industry.
There have been many short-term solutions to combat citrus greening: growing trees in giant canopies to keep insects out but still allow sunlight and rain through, developing new blight-resistant citrus trees, injecting greening-resistant genes into citrus trees, and using push-pull pest management to lure pests to trap crops.
A majority of researchers believe that the only long-term solution is a new variety of citrus that is resistant to citrus greening disease. However, the use of genetic engineering in citrus production is still an ongoing debate in the citrus industry.
Most of these methods require a high investment, which many citrus growers in Florida cannot afford. The Florida citrus industry is at a critical period for survival, requiring strategic planting of citrus, scientific revitalization and increased awareness of citrus production requirements.
High investment costs present a significant hurdle for many growers. To overcome these challenges, the industry must focus on:
- Strategic replanting and infrastructure rebuilding
- Increased awareness of citrus production needs
- Continued scientific research for sustainable solutions
Preserving Florida's citrus legacy demands immediate and collaborative action to balance innovation with tradition.
Florida TaxWatch is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit taxpayer research institute and government watchdog. Its mission is to provide the taxpayers of Florida and public officials with high quality, independent research and analysis of issues related to state and local government taxation, expenditures, policies and programs.
Read the full Florida TaxWatch report, The Continuing Decline of Florida's Citrus Industry, here.
Source: Florida TaxWatch
And Which Way US Citrus
The U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Services (USDA/NASS) released a citrus forecast on Jan. 10.
Florida orange and grapefruit production expectations were unchanged from the December citrus forecast. The Florida orange forecast remains at 12 million boxes and grapefruit at 1.2 million boxes.
Florida non-Valencia orange final fruit size is smaller than the average, requiring 327 pieces to fill a 90-pound box. Final droppage of non-Valencia oranges (excluding Navels) at 56% is above the maximum.
Florida Valencia orange current fruit size is average and is projected to be average at harvest. Current droppage is above the maximum and projected to be above the maximum at harvest.
Fruit size of Florida red grapefruit at harvest is projected to be above the maximum, and droppage is projected to be above the maximum. Projected fruit size of Florida white grapefruit at harvest is above average. White grapefruit droppage is projected to be above the maximum.
The Florida tangerine and mandarin forecast was cut by 14%. The forecast fell from 350,000 boxes in December to 300,000 boxes in January.
The Florida lemon forecast increased from 500,000 boxes to 600,000 boxes.
If the January forecast is realized, Florida's orange, grapefruit and tangerine/mandarin production will each be 33% less than the prior season's final production.
California's all-orange forecast was reduced from 47.7 million boxes in December to 47.4 million boxes. The California grapefruit forecast was reduced from 4.2 million boxes to 3.7 million boxes. The state's lemon and tangerine/mandarin forecast were unchanged.
Texas' all-orange forecast increased from 850,000 boxes in December to 900,000 boxes. The Texas grapefruit forecast jumped from 1.9 million boxes to 2.5 million boxes.
See the full January citrus forecast report from USDA NASS here. The next citrus forecast will be issued on Feb. 11.