UC Cooperative Extension will hold workshops in Temecula Feb. 1 and 2 to help California agricultural employers facing many challenges including labor shortages, wage & hour laws, joint liability, worker safety, workers comp insurance, and immigration issues and policies.
“Agricultural employers and managers are better prepared to face uncertainty in labor markets with up-to-date information and strategies for dealing with people management, and legal and regulatory issues,” said Ramiro Lobo, UC Cooperative Extension farm advisor in San Diego County and workshop organizer. Additional program partners are the California Farm Labor Contractor Association, Zenith Insurance Company and Wilson Creek Winery and Vineyards.
The workshops will be at Wilson Creek Winery and Vineyards, 35960 Rancho California Rd., in Temecula. “Challenges and Strategies in Agricultural Labor Management” runs from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 1. The program includes various legal and industry experts presenting on a range of labor management issues including updates on labor laws, basic strategies for legal and effective hiring and orientation, overview of H2A Visa programs, and effective management of worker injuries. The event ends with wine tasting hosted by Wilson Creek.“Management and Supervision of Personnel for Agricultural Operations,” will be offered in Spanish on Feb. 2. The program, intended for agricultural employers/managers and first-line supervisors, provides information on effective supervision and management in times of labor shortage, updates on labor laws and regulations, positive and clear communications, and preventing sexual harassment and bullying.
“Properly managing personnel is critical because of the scarcity of labor,” Lobo said. “We will provide strategies to retain employees by making the workplace more attractive.”
Advance registration is available with a credit card at http://ucanr.edu/2017aglaborseminar. Registration for the Feb. 1 workshop is $80 per person before Jan. 20, and $100 after or at the door, if space allows. Registration for the Feb. 2 workshop is $60 per person before Jan. 20, and $80 after or at the door, if space allows. A registration discount is available for participants to attend both events. For both events, registration is $120 before Jan. 20, and $140 after or at the door, if space allows.
For more information visit the event website at http://ucanr.edu/2017farmlaborseminar
7:00 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
7:50 am Welcome, Introductions, Acknowledgments, and Overview
8:00 am A Review of Labor Management Issues in Southern California – Panel Discussion
Mike Mellano, Mellano and Company ? Greg Pennyroyal, Wilson Creek Winery & Winery ? Eric Larson, San Diego County Farm Bureau
9:00 am Wage & Hour, Labor Laws Update: Tony Raimondo, Raimondo & Associates
10:00 am BREAK
10:30 am Managing Joint Liability under AB 1897 - Bryan Little, California Farm Bureau Federation, Farm Employer Labor Service
11:15 am The Basics for Legal and Effective Hiring & Orientation for Agricultural Labor - Lupe Sandoval - California Farm Labor Contractor Association
12:00 noon LUNCH
1:00 pm Effective Management of Work Injuries - Chris Boehme, Zenith Insurance Company
1:45 pm Keeping Workers Safe, and Cal OSHA Happy - Bill Krycia, Cal OSHA
2:30 pm BREAK
2:45 pm Selection and Development of Front-Line Supervisors - Lupe Sandoval, California Farm Labor Contractor Association
3:30 pm The H2A Visa Program & What You Need to Know - Jeanne M. Malitz, Malitz Law, Inc.
4:15 pm Labor Shortages – Assorted Strategies – Jeanne Malitz, Malitz Law, Inc., Lupe Sandoval, California Farm Labor Contractor Association and Ramiro Lobo, UCCE San Diego County
5:00 pm Conference Evaluation, Adjourn to Optional Wine Tasting hosted by Wilson Creek Winery and Vineyards!!
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