Sustainable Agriculture begins with quality seeds

Oct 27, 2011

Did you know that there are laws that govern requirements, labeling and advertising of seeds?

Organized in 1949, The Association of American Seed Control Officials (AASCO) meets annually to receive updates on the seed industry, to discuss seed law enforcement and to amend the Recommended Uniform State Seed Law (RUSSL) as needed.

Quality seeds allow farmers to successfully produce quality crops.

State and Federal Seed Control Officials ensure that monitoring programs test samples of seeds for sale and in use.  Among other outcomes, testing is designed to determine if seeds meet labeled standards for quality.

Seed law enforcement also helps to protect the development of improved crop varieties.

John Heaton, AASCO President, said it is important for growers to keep seed labels, instructions, and related materials after planting crops. If there is a problem with the seeds, this information is vital when filing a complaint.

More information about seed laws can be found at the Association of American Seed Control Officials website or at the Seed Services Program at CDFA.

High quality, reliable seeds are necessary for the production of quality crops.  Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.
High quality, reliable seeds are necessary for the production of quality crops. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.