UC IPM’s Green Bulletin

Dec 15, 2011

Written for pest management professionals and pesticide applicators the UC IPM Green Bulletin shares resources and research to benefit these groups. As is often the case with UC resources, while they might be designed for specific groups, others may also benefit and gain knowledge.

The new edition of the Green Bulletin contains the following articles:

  • Natural Herbicides: Are They Effective?
  • NPIC: A Good Source of Pesticide Information for Your Customers
  • Alternative Turf Demonstration Project
  • UC IPM Offers new Free Online Courses
  • Ask the Expert!

Current and back issues of the Green Bulletin can be found on this page of UC’s Integrated Pest Management site.

UC researcher taking notes at turf research plot. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.
UC researcher taking notes at turf research plot. Photo by Jack Kelly Clark.