Christmas Bug

Dec 24, 2008

If there ever were a Christmas bug, it would be the ladybug, aka lady beetle.

The insects (family Coccinellidae) are brightly colored and spread joy in the garden when they feast on aphids.

Last summer we enjoyed watching them hanging out and hooking up. Their voracious appetites reminded us of holiday diners.

Please pass the aphids!

By Kathy Keatley Garvey
Author - Communications specialist

Attached Images:

LADYBUG--You should treat the ladybug with kid gloves; it's a beneficial insect. Here a ladybug, aka lady beetle, crawls on a gardener's glove. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

Ladybug on gardener's glove

CHRISTMAS BUG--The ladybug is the perfect Christmas bug--she's brightly colored and spreads joy in the garden when she devours aphids. This one heads for the garden. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)

Christmas bug