
Sep 17, 2010

The national Cooperative Extension System has an incredibly informative and interesting website. From their site:

“eXtension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the smartest land-grant university minds across America. eXtension connects knowledge consumers with knowledge providers – experts who know their subject matter inside out.”

Current resource areas are broken down in the following way:

  • Alerts
  • Community -- including planning, zoning, geospatial technology
  • Disaster Issues -- including agrisecurity, floods, wildfire
  • Energy -- including farm, home and wood energy
  • Family -- including food safety, parenting, personal finance
  • Farm -- including bee healthy, dairy, organic agriculture
  • Pest management -- including pest management in and around structures, wildlife damage management
  • Youth – science, engineering and technology for youth

In addition to a wide assortment of articles, an Ask the Experts section is also available for people to ask questions. Some of the resources are also available in Spanish.