ACP Training - English and Spanish

Aug 20, 2024

Save the Date: Training Opportunity for

Field Crews

The Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program is hosting free training workshops for field crew supervisors and farm labor contractors in Riverside and Ventura counties this month. The two-hour training workshops will be presented primarily in Spanish and will review best practices for field crews on how they can properly prevent the spread of Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) through hands-on training. English-language workshops can be available following each Spanish workshop; however, the English-language workshops are subject to cancellation depending on the number of sign-ups.

For more information and to RSVP, please visit our Training Workshop webpage. Please select the preferred language and meeting location for each attendee in the details below.

The Train-the-Trainer workshops will take place on the following dates:

Riverside County
Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at Citrus State Historic Park, Riverside County

  • Spanish-language workshop: 9 a.m.
  • English-language workshop: 11 a.m. (Subject to change)

Ventura County
Thursday, August 29, 2024 at Limoneira, Ventura County

  • Spanish-language workshop: 9 a.m.
  • English-language workshop: 11 a.m. (Subject to change)

The training workshops will also fulfill the requirement listed in CDFA's harvesters/farm labor contractors' compliance agreement for these industry members to stay abreast of ACP and Huanglongbing (HLB) prevention best practices.

RSVPs are strongly encouraged. Location details, workshop start times and additional information will be sent upon RSVP. Please RSVP using the following link below.

RSVP here

Front-line leaders in the field will learn firsthand about what they can do to reduce the risk of spreading ACP, and ultimately how to protect local groves from HLB.

During the workshop, participants will:

  • Learn best practices for field crews to prevent ACP from spreading in between neighboring groves.
  • Practice using effective communication techniques to help their crews and others understand these best practices and why they are important.
  • Understand the threat of HLB to the livelihood of the California citrus industry.

We all must do our part if we're going to protect California citrus from this pest and disease – and field crews are the first line of defense in this effort. Packinghouses are encouraged to send their staff and crews to this valuable workshop as a way to provide an extra layer of protection in preventing the spread of ACP in their groves.

For questions, please email Makayla Thompson at


RSVP here


By Ben A Faber
Author - Advisor

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