Veterans’ Home Garden

Mar 31, 2011

Beautiful gardens are brimming with color and life at the Veterans’ Home in Ventura. These gardens have been planned, planted and cared for by a group of UCCE Master Gardeners and many people in the community.

Flowers and ornamental trees provide color, shade and permanence. Raised garden beds are filled with a wide assortment of vegetables to enhance nutrition and dinner salads of residents. An orchard of donated fruit trees has taken root on the west side of the building. Garden lectures provide enrichment for the mind.

A native garden is well under way. This garden has been created with the guidance of the U.S. Department of Fish and Game to provide a habitat for migrating birds, bees and butterflies. A Memorial Rose Garden, designed in the shape of encircled hearts, has been started -- there is much curiosity as to how the design looks from the air.

An additional vegetable garden and succulent garden are planned.

Started shortly after the home opened, the gardens and the activity they generate provide much joy to the Veterans’ who reside at the home. To learn more, or if interested in becoming involved, please contact Barbara Hill.

We are enormously thankful to everyone who has donated materials, talent and time to make this garden possible! We hope the list of donors that follows is complete. If we have missed your name, please let us know so we can add you. Lisa Wickenden, Tina Van Coops, Sharon McGahan, Peggy Black, Jim Abing, Barbara Hill, Carol Piros, Kathleen Diermier, Kaaren Valdez, Diana Borchard, Robin Beers, Diane Bertoy, U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife, Nopalito Native Nursery, Jon’s Nursery of Somis, and the real estate community.