
Sep 28, 2010

AgrAbility is a program sponsored by the USDA. It is designed to provide assistance to farmers, rancher, other ag workers and farm family members impacted by disability.  It is a combination of national and state/regional projects. The program is extended to the people by partnerships between land grant universities and an assortment of nonprofit disability services organizations.

The National project is Breaking New Ground Resource Center at Purdue University. They can be reached at 800.825.4264, or by email.

I am happy to share that California is one of the 24 states currently participating in this program. Our statewide project is California AgrAbility Project at UC Davis. They can be reached at 800.477.6129, or

Our office has recently received a short DVD produced by AgrAbility titled Gaining Ground on Arthritis: Managing Arthritis in the Agricultural Workplace. Arthritis is the leading source of disability in the U.S. and affects people of all ages. The DVD provides practical tips on protecting joints, managing arthritis, and modifying work practices through special tools and other means to help prevent further injury. To view the DVD, please contact our office by email or phone at 805.645.1434.

Agricultural work can include many hazards.  In addition to arthritis, some of the other disabilities AgrAbility works to improve include: amputation; back impairment; deafness/hearing impairment; developmental disabilities, such as cerebral palsy or autism; disabling diseases, such as cancer or heart disease; mental/behavioral health problems; respiratory diseases; spinal cord injuries; stroke; traumatic brain injury; visual impairment.


Worker harvesting garbonzo beans.

worker inspecting combine rake

Worker harvesting red onions.