UC’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP)

Sep 6, 2011

SAREP is a statewide program within the University of California’s Agriculture and Natural Resources division. From their site:

“SAREP provides leadership and support for scientific research and education in agricultural and food systems that are economically viable, conserve natural resources and biodiversity, and enhance the quality of life in the state's communities. SAREP serves farmers, farmworkers, ranchers, researchers, educators, regulators, policy makers, industry professionals, consumers, and community organizations across the state."

Program areas are:

  • biologically integrated farming systems
  • community food systems
  • crop/livestock production
  • organic farming information
  • methyl bromide alternatives

Related resources, reports, funding opportunities and much more can be easily accessed from this well laid out site.


A cover crop of yellow mustard helps to minimize weed growth. Cover crops can also help conserve beneficial insects by providing them with shelter and alternative food. Photo by J. K. Clark.
A cover crop of yellow mustard helps to minimize weed growth. Cover crops can also help conserve beneficial insects by providing them with shelter and alternative food. Photo by J. K. Clark.