Grant for California's only tribes extension program

Dec 8, 2011

An article in the (Garberville) Redwood Times reports that UC Cooperative Extension Humboldt County has received a grant to share agriculture, natural resources and youth development support with Native American tribal members.

"There are about 25 [Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Programs] across the country, but none in California, so we are honored to receive this funding", said Deborah Giraud, UC Cooperative Extension farm and community advisor in Humboldt County.

Though the program is still in planning stages and gathering input, one project will focus onĀ  career and college exploration for teenagers, with a college tour in March.

Pressure gauge on canner lid.
A pressure canner is one gift suggestion for home food preservers.

Christmas list for home food preservers
Ora Emmerich, (Placerville) Mountain Democrat

What to get a home food preserver for Christmas? This column by Ora Emmerich, a UC Master Food Preserver, suggests any of a variety of thermometers might be a good place to start, with a discussion of the different options.

Larger gifts might include a pressure canner, sausage-filler or dehydrator. Potential stocking stuffers suggested were new lids and rings, along with small but important tools such as a bubble remover.

By Brenda Dawson
Author - Communications Coordinator