Mitigating Heat Damage in the Orchard

Jul 5, 2024

Mitigating Heat Damage in the Orchard

Jul 5, 2024

It's hot and many trees need help in the heat.  There's several ways you an help, however many require prior preparation:

?Successful Irrigation is crucial for cooling, both unser-canopy and over-canopy  Using the Irrigation systems strategically will achieve best results ?

Mulching tree berms, also improves soil and tree health ?

Monitoring – Soil moisture and air temperatures ?

The use of Protectants(reflectants) products can be used to alleviate the stress of heat, usually provides a few degrees relief ?.  Antitranspirants can make it worse by shutting down stoma and reducing cooling transpiration

Cover cropping and hedgerows increase humidity and evaporative cooling. 

Watch a video produced by the CA Avocado Society for what can be done in preparation and now:


By Ben A Faber
Author - Advisor

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