Grower Wildfire Survey

Apr 26, 2023

UC Seeks Feedback on Wildfire Impacts


If you've been affected by wildfires, I am hoping you can take less than 20 minutes to share with me the impacts you experienced and response strategies you implemented.

I know you are always bombarded with surveys, but I promise this one holds tremendous value! The results of this survey will elevate farmers and rancher perspectives to the forefront of local and regional wildfire preparedness & response efforts.  We also envision the results from this survey informing the next Farm Bill that Congress is currently discussing and statewide wildfire response efforts.


Take the survey:


We're grateful for your time. All participants who finish the survey by May 15th will receive a $20 thank-you gift and will have the option of being entered into a drawing for $200 (eight people will be chosen).

You're welcome to forward this link to other farmers or ranchers, but please don't post it on social media.

Feel free to reach out with any questions,


Natalia Pinzón Research Specialist and Ph.D. Candidate, UC Davis

Tracy Schohr  Plumas-Sierra Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension



UC fire



By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

Attached Images: