Sep 19, 2012
Last May UC Ventura County Cooperative Extension posted a blog about the Buy It Where You Burn It program developed to educate the public about the risks in transporting fireword. This effort is a crucial component in preventing the spread of plant disease and pests from one area to another.
Firewood borne diseases and pests can cause devastating damage to trees and huge financial losses to growers and the agricultural community. The simple yet important act of keeping firewood purchases local and not transporting to public areas can help prevent invasive pests such as the Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP), gold spotted oak borer, emerald ash borer and others from gaining a foothold in your community.
For more useful information about this important effort, visit the California Firewood Task Force website. The Farm Bureau Pest Issues webpage has a list of invasive pests and diseases that could threaten Ventura County. Also check out a special presentation on ACP at the UCCE ACP Workshop webpage.