Like many, you have probably been doing extra cleaning around the house lately. Have you been finding furry-looking brown casings in the corners of drawers, in the carpet, or in the closet? These might be carpet beetles.
Carpet beetles are small insects that are common pests in homes, museums, and warehouses. The larvae cause damage to natural fabrics and stored food. The larvae are often as big or bigger as the adults and appear fuzzy. They feed in dark, secluded places on a wide variety of animal products, leaving brown cast skins and pellets behind.
These pests are difficult to control because they prefer undisturbed locations and feed on many different items. Successful management requires an integrated approach with sanitation and exclusion.
For more information, see the recently updated Pest Notes: Carpet Beetles by UC Riverside entomologist Dong-Hwan Choe. New photos and management methods have been added.