USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Sep 14, 2011

Since the 1930’s the NRCS has worked with landowners, community groups, and Federal, state, tribal and local governments throughout the U.S. with planning and implementing conservation measures.

Their overall mission of “Helping People Help the Land” is accomplished through six mission goals:

  • High quality, productive soils
  • Clean and abundant water
  • Healthy plant and animal communities
  • Clean air
  • An adequate energy supply
  • Working farms and ranchlands

NRCS activities include:

  • Farmland protection
  • Upstream flood prevention
  • Emergency watershed protection
  • Urban conservation
  • Local community projects designed to improve social, economic, and environmental conditions

For more information, Ventura County residents can contact our local NRCS office at 3380 Somis Road in Somis or by calling 805-386-4489.

Funding opportunities and wonderful resources can also be found through the National NRCS website.


Using mulch is an easy way to achieve many goals of the NRCS. Find out how you can help today.
Using mulch is an easy way to achieve many goals of the NRCS. Find out how you can help today.