Home canning equipment

Jun 7, 2011

Home food preservation is in a period of renaissance.  Many people are preserving food for the first time, or bringing equipment out of storage and resuming a previous activity.

Some canning equipment requires occasional testing of the pressure gauge, but not all. Only the dial gauge models need testing. A dial gauge has a face with a pointer that shows the pressure reading. Weighed gauges do not need to be tested. The weighted gauges are a piece of metal that has 5, 10 and 15 engraved on it.

Often “Your local Cooperative Extension Office” is listed as the place for people to have canning equipment pressure tested. Unfortunately, our office does not provide this service. Shirley Peterson, Nutrition, Family & Consumer Sciences Advisor in the San Luis Obispo County Cooperative Extension office advises clients to send their dial gauges to Presto for free testing. Send your gauges by UPS and Presto will send them back with no charge for shipping.

Presto can be contacted in the following ways:

Consumer Service Department

National Presto Industries, Inc.

3925 N. Hastings Way

Eau Claire, WI  54703-2209



Home food preservation is an excellent way to increase food security.
Home food preservation is an excellent way to increase food security.