Polyphagous Shothole Borer Distribution Map

Mar 12, 2015

Polyphagous Shothole Borer which is an ambrosia beetle that normally feeds on dead trees is going after live trees - over 100 species including sycamore, alder and coast live oak.  It also goes after avocado.  The California Avocado Commission has sponsored the placement of traps that have lures for PSHB.  The traps are near avocado orchards but also likely spots where they might show up, such as campsite where people would bring firewood that might be infested with the beetle.  The map here shows where the traps are located and where PSHB have been trapped.  There are also traps in Santa Barbara County which are not yet shown on this map.


Polyphagous shot hole borer / Fusarium Dieback distribution map for Southern California.