Pollinator Resource Center

Jan 6, 2010

The Xerces Society is a nonprofit organization that protects wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. Within the organization there is a pollinator resource center. The center is a collaboration of the Xerces Society and Neal Williams at the University of California at Davis.

The pollinator resource center provides a lot of great information for everyone. In addition to the basics, the site covers:

  • Ways to increase native bee populations at conventional agriculture sites
  • A toolkit for organic farmers designed to educate about farming practices to reduce risk and harm to pollinators
  • Pollinator habitat management, including prescribed burns and grazing areas
  • Ways to increase pollinators in the garden
  • The important role parks and golf courses can play in enhancing, restoring and creating habitat for these important creatures
  • Resources for teachers

Fact sheets are found in the publication section of the website. They are great sources of information, and some of the links and titles are included below.

Native Pollinators on the farm: What’s in it for the growers? An overview of the contribution native bees make to crop pollination, and their value to agriculture.

Butterfly gardening. Learn how to convert your garden into a paradise for butterflies.

Plants for native bees in California. Learn which plants best support native bees in California.


Bee on an avocado flower.