Garden Planning

Jan 3, 2012

The 2011 UC Master Gardener Vegetable Demonstration Garden Project has recently finished. A group of certified Master Gardeners and trainees spent time each week from January 27 through December 15 learning vegetable gardening techniques through hands-on experience.

They documented their project so that they could impart lessons learned throughout the2011 project. This article is the second in a series to share this knowledge.

Garden planning:

A well planned garden tends to yield more produce and have fewer problems with pests and disease.

  • Be sure your garden receives substantial sun. Gardens shaded by trees or buildings may have reduced yields.
  • Square foot and container gardens are best for smaller crops such as lettuce, herbs, and onions. They are off the ground and therefore somewhat protected from critters. Squash and tomatoes are too big, take over the space, and don’t produce.
  • Give vining crops like watermelon adequate room to grow.
  • Gardening with a group of gardeners can be a very valuable learning experience since each person is knowledgeable in different areas and has their own perspectives. Share information with others and listen to their successes and failures.

Questions on gardening? Please contact our Master Gardener helpline at 645-1455 or contact them by email at

As with most things in life, a little planning can help with the success of a vegetable garden.
As with most things in life, a little planning can help with the success of a vegetable garden.