California Oak Mortality Task Force

May 26, 2011

The California Oak Mortality Task Force (COMTF) works to manage Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in California. Those working with the task force include: research and educational institutions; public agencies; non-profit organizations; and private interests.

SOD is caused by the pathogen Phytophthora ramorum. It affects oaks and other host plants and trees. This pathogen thrives in cool, wet climates.  “In California, coastal evergreen forests and tanoak/redwood forests within the fog belt are the primary habitat…Nurseries outside of these cool, moist areas often create microclimates which mimic the preferred environment of P. ramorum and allow it to grow and spread far from the coast.” While there is no cure, there are preventative measures that may protect plants.

The goals of COMTF are to:

  • Minimize the impact and spread of Phytophthora ramorum on natural, agricultural, and human communities
  • Coordinate an integrated response by all interested parties to address Phytophthora ramorum
  • Serve as liaison to local, state, national, and international groups

Their website is easy to navigate and is well written. In addition to the text there are plenty of photos, maps, and videos to further educate site visitors about this disease.

To date there has been no confirmed SOD in Ventura County; however, there is much interest in this subject locally.  Please visit the COMTF site to learn more.

Photo of oak tree by Jack Kelly Clark.
Photo of oak tree by Jack Kelly Clark.