Avocado Cafe

Feb 9, 2022

Avocado Cafe

Feb 9, 2022


Avocado Café is intended to be a meeting of interested avocado growers from California and elsewhere with an open discussion for ideas and inputs.  Our organizing committee primarily consists of California growers but also has extension personnel and international members as well.   Although we cover the “how to” aspects of avocado farming we are most focused on introducing new concepts and ideas to the avocado community to stimulate further discussion and innovation.  We draw upon local, national and international speakers for these sessions.  The sessions are recorded and posted to all interested parties on www.avocadosource.com.


Avocado Café

February 18, 2022

8:00 – 10:00 a.m. PST


Avocado productivity:

How the interplay of light and vegetative vigor influences yield


Rodrigo Iturrieta, University of California, Riverside

How shoot growth influences fruiting and light distribution

Gerardo Adunate, Avocado Consultant, Chile

Optimizing pruning strategies to increase light and enhance fruit production


These sessions are open to all. Register for this virtual meeting by emailing cafeavos@gmail.com

By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

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