Study How Birds Work in Your Trees

Dec 16, 2022

Study How Birds Work in Your Trees

Dec 16, 2022

Role of Birds on Farms: Self-Certification

This 10 lesson virtual course teaches agricultural professionals and farmers how to support beneficial birds and manage pest birds on farms. By learning how to assess the farm's avian needs and opportunities, farms can be designed to provide for a diversity of beneficial birds. If pest birds are a problem, they can be discouraged with specific practices during the shorter periods when they cause damage. The sessions cover the latest research, tools and resources, and are given by experts in avian pest control, entomology, ornithology and conservation.


This course was first offered via webinar format in early 2022. View the recordings of the lessons at your own pace and track your progress using the certificate below.
(Download your fillable certificate here)

The loss of 3 billion birds since 1970 is a crisis. Birds are indicators of a healthy, functioning ecosystem, providing important benefits such as pest control, pollination and seed dispersal.

Farmers can take advantage of these services and at the same time provide birds with habitat. It is mutually beneficial for farmers and birds. 

When farmers provide habitat for beneficial birds and bring them closer to crops, they are increasing their farm's pest control services. Birds can help farmers keep pest insects, rodents and pest birds at bay.



By Ben Faber
Author - Advisor

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